Summer语言甜美、口齿清晰、发音标准,我很喜欢并很尊重我的teacher Summer.
I am very like my english teacher-summer,I think she is very know about the statition of my study english , and she told me many little tips. Every time I according these tips, I always feel get better.
i should to improve my eglish speaking .
Dear Summer teacher is very nice teacher, She was very patient, point my fault again and again.
I like her voice very much, the voice is so sweety and so clearly,..,,,,,,,,,if i be a boy, I must fall love with her just for her voice..
Thank u,Summer teacher!
It's very interesting study with summer teacher each lesson. Now.i think i must remember more words and exercise.
Summer 老师很随和,和她上课很轻松
I enjoy the time studying with summer teacher .l bet she is a very great teacher and freind.She always encourage me.And give me moer confidence. It's difficult for me in vocabulary,but i will study hardly.